A bot holding a telegram logo with a REACOM logo in its chest, wearing a hacker hat.


A free and (soon to be) open source telegram bot which monitors Australian rental availability via realestate.com.au.


It allows you to subscribe to listing areas available on the realestate.com.au website (e.g. Western Sydney, NSW) and recieve real-time updates (rather than inconsistent notifications like their app).

The bot will then constantly monitor listings that match your preferred area and notify you of any new listings, in addition to letting you know when listings are removed.

You can monitor up to five (5) subscription areas which is subject to change.

Preview of starting conversation with the bot
It's really easy to get started
  1. Download the Telegram app for your device (PC / iOS / Android) from their retrospective App Stores.
  2. Click on the "Connect with @FindMeARentalBot" button
  3. Click on the "/start" button in the Telegram App
  4. Send the bot the "/search" command, followed by your preferred suburb (e.g. Western Sydney, NSW)
Once you are subscribed to an area you will start getting notifications of new listings, and when listings are removed.
Preview of updates from the bot


Constantly monitoring rental listings is gruelling and a pain in the ass. Especially keeping track of places you’ve applied for given most Real Estates won’t have the decency to let you know a place has been leased.

No more of that, get real-time notifications as new properties are listed in your subscription areas and get notified as properties become unlisted (most likely leased).


If you want to get in touch, here is a Google Form.

If you’re after the source code, it will be made publically available once a refactor has been completed.